Using the Internet, try to find the meaning of your name .If you cannot find the exact meaning, trying breaking your name into chunks.
Ask your parents or grandparents where you name came from.
Create a small poster with a picture of yourself and your name meaning to be displayed in class. This will be due on Wednesday!
Here are some links to help you find name meaning:
Behind the name
Baby Name
Meaning of Names
Here is the link to the SparkNotes video from class today:
Lord of the Flies Summary

Monday, October 22, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Essay Question: In both The Most Dangerous Game and The Sniper, there are several conflicts that the protagonists face. How do these conflicts shape the ending of each story?
Introduction Paragraph:
1. Intro sentence
2. Introduce the title and author of story # 1
3. Introduce the title and author of story #2
4. Introduce and define topic of essay (conflict)
5. Conclusion Sentence
Body Paragraph # 1:
1. Introduction Sentence
2. Introduce the character facing conflict
3. Name one conflict character faced
4. Explain effect on ending
5. Name one conflict character faced
6. Explain effect on ending
7. Conclusion
Body Paragraph # 2:
1. Introduction Sentence
2. Introduce the character facing conflict
3. Name one conflict character faced
4. Explain effect on ending
5. Name one conflict character faced
6. Explain effect on ending
7. Conclusion
Conclusion Paragraph:
1. Remind readers of essay topic (remember, the topic is CONFLICT, not the stories!)
2. Summarize the conflicts in both stories
3. Write a 2-3 sentence conclusion wrapping up your entire essay.
Your final draft must be typed in Times font, size 12. Pages must be stapled together.
Your rough draft must be stapled to the back of the final copy.
No late papers will be accepted. Your typed, stapled paper will be collected at the beginning of the class on the due date. If you need help printing your essay you must make arraignments with me prior to the due date.
Links to the story:
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Sniper (Short Story)
Here is a link to the short story in case you need to refresh your memory as you are doing your homework: The Sniper
Here is a link to a biography about the author: Liam O'flaherty
Here is a link to a biography about the author: Liam O'flaherty
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